Midwayville co-created the kickoff event for the 2016 UX Week conference. A all-inclusive food-and-drink location combined with a bespoke themed game made an unforgettable night that set the tone for the four-day conference. 

Our design sessions with the Adaptive Path team cast the guests as MASTERS of the UX (pronounced "uhks") and tasks them to calling upon THE POWER OF THE UX to assist one another on their quest to unlock secrets for themselves and one another, unlocking the GOLDFIRE. This creative approach delighted the guests as it honored their craft and opened up the evening to challenging fun.

Title: Midwayville at UX Week
Venue: SOMA StrEAT Food Park in San Francisco
Time of Year: Summer
Performers: 40 performers.
Guests: 600 guests.
Featuring: 8 interactive environments, dancing, a DJ, a VJ, walk-around characters, musical acts, an emcee, stilt-walking, and team-building attractions.